Monday, April 6, 2009

The Myth and Having it Both Ways

The Myth and No More Having It Both Ways is a response to a letter written in to the Montreal Gazette. The letter is in response to an article written by activist G. DeWolf Shaw, who boldly accuses Quebec of "ethnic cleansing" by forced migration (one of the factors in the U.N. definition of ethnic cleansing) of its Anglo Population.

"Anglo Go Home", "Canadian Get Out" and "Maudit Anglais" are all slogans spray painted on the sides of English homes in Francophone Quebec, and the response article states that Anglophones have two choices: change or leave.

The article reports a staggering six hundred thousand Anglophones in Quebec that have more or less evacuated the province, leaving their homes and jobs, moving their entire families and everything they know. It should be noted, however, that this statistic has no evidence backing it up in the article. This article accuses the author of the letter of buying into the myth that "the English speaking world is out to get us [the Francophones]" and accuses him of not providing any evidence to support his claims. "He, like all those that have bought into the myth never ofers any evidence, statistics or proof of this 'peril' the French language is in. Generally only offering shouting, defamatory comments, and vulgar insults". However, in the letter, there aren't any vulgar or defamatory insults to be found.

The article, from the Anglo point of view, is written in a hostile tone. It embellishes and exaggerates just how hard and tough it is for an Anglo living in Quebec. Though I and my co-writer are two English speaking residents of Quebec, we have had very little hostility to deal with, even outside of the townships.

The article takes on an extremist and sensationalist tone, especially accusing Quebec of 'ethnic cleansing'. Of course, the article is written by the "Defense Association of Anglophone Quebec", so it is easy to see from their title along where their biases lie.


  1. It should be noted that you took liberties with the DAAQ article, and misquoted it.

    The DAAQ and our initiatives are far from extremist. Angry? Sure. Fed up? Totally. What separates us from "them" (If you'll forgive the term.) We will not blow anything up. We will not threaten, used or advocate violence. We believe the criminal law is the law. And we hold ourselves to a higher standard than those of the new FLQ and JPdQ. Why not writing about them my Anglo brother? Too busy attacking yourown I suppose? You've been conditioned well.

    Do we think you have a right to your opinion(s)? Of course. Do we think you are a complacentphone?Absolutely.

    Labeling a group "extremist" is what the Anglo media and complacentphones, such as yourself, have used as a tool to prevent the boat from being rocked.

    Wasn't the AQ, Equality parties "extremists" in the mainstream media too? Isn't the new AffiliationQuebec "extremist"? My, my we Anglo's sure are a bunch of unnecessarily angry folks eh?

    Comfy, cushy little home you got there in the Townships? Try coming and living in the lower middle class city my friend. Dawn that Canadian flag and see what is said to you.

    It's about time someone stood up. Go take your boat out on Massawippi, cast a line and don't worry about us standing up for your rights.

  2. Just so you are aware, this blog was created for a first year sociology project. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. :)

  3. DAAQ extremists???? What about the RRQ, the Jeunes Patriots, the Milice du Quebec (, etc... How about that new book by Michel Brule, Anglaid??? Here's the link for you to check out the NICE things he has to say regarding Anglophones. How endearing he is!
    But you are absolutely correct, DAAQ are nothing but extremists...very peculiar comment for an extremely narcissistic, ethnocentric, self-absorbed (Michel Brule's words, not mine), Anglophone I must say! Check out what the DAAQ is saying now regarding the non-extremist RRQ or Michel Brule!
    In my opinion (upon reading the DAAQ blog, I see them as wanting equality for everyone), they do not encourage violence the groups above do. They also mentioned they support bilingualism in Canada, how is this extremist?

  4. No where in the post does it call the DAAQ an extremist organization. It does state that the article is written in an extremist tone, though.

  5. Who said anything about extremists?
    "The article takes on an extremist and sensationalist tone."
    As far as I can tell the subject of this sentence is "The article". The word "extremist" is used an adjective to describe the the tone of the article.
    Is English really your first language? It seems strange to me that someone could misinterpret such a simple sentence structure.

  6. Ah, the age old semantics Vs "That's not what I said". The "tone", ok. We stand corrected.
